Monday, May 2, 2011


  Two things have pissed me off today. Here is the first. My ex husband. Not an unusual thing to be pissed st, or about. But, get this... He just got out of jail time for the $6,000+ that he owes in child support payments.

  You know you live in the dirty south when, your criminally abusive ex can walk into court, throw a sob story at the judge and have it come down to simply being a "Good 'Ol Boy". Yeah, I know. My fault for marrying him- I knew it was a mistake at the time. What I didn't know, when I was 17, when I met the sorry sack of shit was that he would be like fucking cancer.
  So, he goes in there, says "I broke my knee, lost my job and when I have the money I pay." Judge is perfectly OK with that... NEVERMIND that he works under the table so he doesn't have to pay taxes because he can't claim the kids and get his $2,000 when he only made $17,000 that year.

  Right now, I could spit fire. It isn't about the fucking money, I'll never see any of it. It is simply that EVERY time he winds up in trouble, he slimes his way out of it... AND.... AND.... AND.... The goddammed judge TOLD HIM that I filed the complaint against him!!!
  The judge in question, was the one who handled our divorce. THAT is another issue which will always piss me off. So, the sorry fucking sack of cheese curd vag puss tells him that *I* am the one responsible for his presence in court... He tells that to the psychotic piece of shit that tried to kill me for not cooking his eggs correctly!!! The same sack of shit that tole me I deserved what I got, because I slept with another man before we were divorced... Yep. That sack of shit who refuse a protective order, despite the evidence that my life was and IS in danger.

  Why I ever thought that the system would actually fucking help, I will never know. Maybe I am as delusional as those who attend church every sunday.

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