This being the holiday season, now, by December 4th I have already had my fill of Xmas muzak. Fuck, I had my fill by the end of October... It seems that people are starting sooner every year. I couldn't believe it when I saw Xmas and Halloween decor right next to each other!
I'll take this opportunity to say that if the Xtain community screams any louder about taking the 'christ' out of 'CHRISTmas' (yes, they fucking annunciate it, and even spell it that way!) I may very well split my side laughing.
Do any of them know what the 25th of December is? It sure a hell isn't the date of the birth of baby Gee-Whiz (he was born in the autumn). It signifies the Rebirth Of The Sun God, when the days begin to lengthen after the Winter Solstice.
Now, I understand the claim that anything which they choose to celebrate in reference to their god is considered praise (by the way, what is their god's name? We know its a male deity, right? All I see are a collection of titles, but no actual name...hmm... have they forgotten his name?), which goes back to the "God in all things" claim... *sigh* And I clearly see how, and why the catholic church integrated the wonderfully significant pagan holidays (Don't even get me started on easter... omfg, that one may be the funniest of ALL), but that does not justify their claim to persecution when someone does not "respect" their Xtain holiday.
My brain almost explodes when I attempt to analyze their process of reasoning which leads to such an assumption...
Disagreement = persecution.
Differing religion having right to practice = persecution.
Being informed of the actual historical value of their holiday = persecution.
WTF? I don't follow... I couldn't even when I was living in their midst, I never could. I guess we're wired differently.
*sigh* Guess I'll be a scrooge again this year, and say "Happy Holidays", "Merry Yule", and "Kiss my ass you holiday stealing rat bastard... christianity really IS a bastard religion, just look how baby Gee-Whiz came into the world."
One last word to you, since I've been asked so very many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many times why an Atheist (you want me to capitalize your "c", you capitalize my "A", kk?) would celebrate an Xtian holiday... IT ISN'T ONE. But I guess that would take understanding your religion's history.
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